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GRANDUO | Lovely dress of Japan Mail order site & Shop


[Gurandeyu;o] that combines wonderful) and German word DUO (duet) is a new English ..GRAND (.. commercial establishment that was born by [korabo] of East Japan Railway and Hankyu Department Store that has both a merit and a characteristic that the station building and is each department store.

Mean of develop mutually, and live and let the employee, the station building, the department store, the region, and the store live by the guest being put in the name.

The [gurandeyu;o] Tachikawa shop opened in the first shop in around and 1999.

Because there is already Lumine where a lot of fashion brands are treated in the station building in Tachikawa, and the woman with a young here is made a target, a woman in her thirties has been being set as the main target since the latter half that becomes settled a little generation in her twenties.

The department store that was so far aimed at the Sumi division well because there were comparatively a lot of woman customers of the advanced age age. Another commercial establishment configuration of the floor with the eighth floor on the ground, and "Southern" the basement exists. Moreover, a lot of Chinese restaurant and General Stores, etc. gather in the Tachikawa Chinatown that exists on the seventh floor, and here is popular [wodesu].

Bag|Agnes b voyage, Paul Smith bag, and bakery cafe|[Vidofuransu] vegetables and fruits|[Sawahika] vegetables and fruits fresh fish|[Uotagaya] fresh meat|New quick drugstore|American pharmacy glossary|Kitano [e-sumenzu]. Ladies' fashion|[Shippusu] and [fo-tei;faibu] are. Ladies' shoes. Bag|Camper, [kamui], [reshipie], [gurappubanisuta-], and ladies' bag|Motto [yu-baiungaro] "[Eritto]" and [bibayu-], Taylor Rebecca, [kureisasu], and [sutairueiwanredei;-sushu-zu]|[Wanonano], Himiko, fin, [mo-da] Clare, [eizo-], and elegance Himiko fashion small articles|Daily part accessories|Michele Klan, and the lion heart, suite, [arupe-ju], [ete] [etebou;], [mauroarani], [puransesu], [be-se-beje], and [mimi] [panson] & Laine Claude, [padokare], and cosmetics diesel (accessories store), [dou;mie-rubijusofia], [teikuappuserekuto], and 4℃, and|[Rokushitan], [eteyu;se], Jill Stuart, Kanebo, Shiseido, Awake, [ko-se-], est, and [ayu-ra] and Max Factor fragrance|Fragrance corner

Ladies' fashion|[Yuno-torumerubeiyuasshu], clear impression, natural basic beauty, [bibayu-], Wrest rose, Abahouse [dou;vinetto], and [sunaokuwahara]. Ladies' fashion|[Ne] net and Tommy Hilfiger men's fashion|Monsieur Nicol, [takeokikuchi], boycott, are Newbold, custom culture, [abahausurasutowa-do], and men's shoes|Whoop di doo and [arufureddobanisuta-baggu]. Small articles|Kura Chika, [a-toba-gu], and link clock|Stick pomade tuck cafe|[Furaggusukafe] shoes repair|Mr. minute

Ladies' fashion|Cocue, [azunou;azudou;bazu], Barbie, world wide love, carnelian, [kurisshi-], [ra] collection, Heather, [i-haifunwa-rudogyarari-], WG/179 [ji-nashisu], and pride glide, [pu-dou;dou;], [misutei;u-man], [ryu-debe-], and [ri] *, yeast waiter, Vicki, and [kui;-nzuko-tomenzu]. Ladies' fashion|Diesel, replay, and extra Raje/[ekkusuga-ru], Levi's, 0 rescue nines, and [suteyu;-shi-], Hysteric Glamour, and jeans. Color pants|Sweet camel ladies' inner|Amos tile interior miscellaneous goods. Furniture. Accessories|[Abautoga-rubaifuranfuran], swimmer, and [suri-koinzu]

[Men], [zu]. Ladies' fashion|Banana the public, polo Ralph Lauren, and marguerite Howell collective
Ladies' fashion|Mosaic, Klan Michelle, Paul Smith, Maggie, boutique Nicol, [rifurekuto], [kyasarinha-neru], flavor Dresser, [a-mowa-rukapurisu], ICB, [kontowa-] [de] [kotonie], Vivien Westwood red label, and mending|Reform boutique ladies' inner|Clair herb. Aroma oil|Tree of life

[Men], [zu]. Ladies' fashion|Gap, [e-guru], [penginbaimanshinguwea], and baby child clothes|Stomp stamp and Gap kids. Baby Gap furniture. Interior miscellaneous goods|TC [taimuresukonfo-to], [wanzu], and harmony miscellaneous goods|Musical instruments about which it doesn't care|Ginza Yamano musical instrument sunglasses|Poker face candy . Silverberry|Candy [a] go go.

6F chef dining garden
The Italian|Tapas & tapas, [kafearugurattsue;], and scorch of [ariorikucchi-na] charcoal fire spit. Japanese food|Cock-a-doodle-doo Indian food|Maharaja European food|European food [tei] Brahms okonomiyaki. Chow mein|Osaka [potedyuu] bean curd skin and bean curd|Plum blossoms cafe. Waffle. Sandwich|[Hani-bi-o-ganikkuresutoran]|Sun-room buckwheat noodle. Noodle|Family restaurant and Nagaoka Ojima person sushi|Sushi [aso**] pork cutlet|And, it cooks saddle Okinawa. |An Okinawa energetic dish, and it is and cooks the [chariba] garlic. |Garlic shop Goemon yakitori. Japanese pilau|Viking of clan|Natural food Viking is [besuto].

7F Tachikawa Chinatown
[Saikao] dice long ages, Le Parc, white gem orchis, [taiwantantsu-menchenbin], [**sono] annex [zuienbekkan], [ryuu**sono], [umeran], [keikarou], Takeshi [**], [chinken;iima-bo-doufuten], grandchild, Asahi Longmen, and [**] Ka and coffee bunch handmade bracelet. Crystal|Crystal [**] Chinese [mono**]|Chinese super-class market fortune-telling|China [kohira] society

8F beauty & relaxation
Relaxation|Body factory, wing [okishi-ba-], and sweet [temomin]
Beauty|Nail by body factory, eyelash salon, [takano] [tomonashi] beauty clinic, and [bekyua] natural cosmetics. Health food|[Juri-kushoppu], studio fancl house, natural house, and healthy one hair salon|Hair salon TAYA, [kaperi] Punto N.Y, and hair goods|Beautiful hair cafe|Cafe [do] Clie photo studio|[Runaburankafurawa-arenjimento]|[Hibiyafurawa-akademi-jueri-]|Ginza [daiyamondoshiraishi]

GRANDUO | Lovely dress of Japan Mail order site & Shop